Wildlife Management

Wildlife Management

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A majority of climate models suggest that precipitation in the Midwest will increase in the winter, spring, and fall by the end of the century, but models generally project slight decreases in summer precipitation.

Submitted by sdhandler on

The means of several climate models indicate that winter and spring precipitation may increase from 10 to 30% across the Midwest by the end of the century, with larger projected increases further north in the region. Fall precipitation may increase only slightly. Summer precipitation is projected to decrease by less than 10% across the Midwest by the end of the century, according to an average of multiple climate models.

The frequency of intense precipitation will continue to increase across the Midwest under climate change.

Submitted by sdhandler on

The Midwest has already experienced a large increase in the frequency of heavy precipitation events. For example, storms in the 99th-percentile category increased by 42% from 1958 to 2016 across the region. Intense rainfall is expected to continue to occur more frequently, across different storm classes. For example, rain events that historically had an expected return of 5 years are expected to occur every 2-3 years by the end of the century. Large storms are also expected to deliver more rainfall as well.

Average annual precipitation is projected to increase slightly across the Midwest over the next century.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Annual precipitation has generally increased by 5 to 10% across the Midwest compared to the early 20th century, although there have been greater increases as well as slight decreases. There is uncertainty between different climate scenarios for future precipitation projections in the Midwest. Generally, it is expected that annual precipitation will continue to increase slightly across the region, with an additional 2-4 inches of rain per year by the middle of the century across most of the region.

The frequency and intensity of cold waves is expected to decrease across the Midwest by the middle of the century (2036-2065).

Submitted by sdhandler on

Daily low temperatures are projected to increase substantially across the Midwest, particularly under a higher climate scenario (RCP 8.5). For example, the coldest day of the year is expected to be about 9.4 degrees Fahrenheit warmer by the middle of the century (2036-2065), according to an average of 32 climate models under scenario RCP 8.5. The Midwest is also expected to experience 20 to 40 fewer days per year below 32 degrees Fahrenheit by the middle of the century.

The frequency and intensity of heat waves is expected to increase across the Midwest by the middle of the century (2036-2065).

Submitted by sdhandler on

Daily extreme temperatures are projected to increase substantially across the Midwest, particularly under a higher climate scenario (RCP 8.5). For example, the hottest day of the year is expected to be about 6.7 degrees Fahrenheit warmer by the middle of the century (2036-2065), according to an average of 32 climate models under scenario RCP 8.5. The Midwest is also expected to experience 5 to 40 more days above 90 degrees Fahrenheit by the middle of the century.

Temperatures in the Midwest are projected to increase by 5.6 to 9.5 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century (2071-2100).

Submitted by sdhandler on

The Midwest has already warmed by about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit since the first half of the 20th century. Climate models agree that temperatures are projected to increase over the 21st century across the Midwest. By mid-century (2036-2065), average annual temperature is expected to increase by 4.2 to 5.3 degrees, Fahrenheit. By the end of the century (2071-2100), temperatures in the Midwest are projected to increase by 5.6 to 9.5 degrees Fahrenheit.